Insaan Care

Helping & Caring for Others 

Current Appeals


This Eid al-Adha, share the blessings of Eid with the Ummah by performing your Qurbani for £100, which will provide an average of 4 kilograms of meat to 4 vulnerable families.


Providing food Parcel solutions for communities in need, we offer our Food Project to save lives affected by the humanitarian crisis.  £40 can provide food for a family of 5-7 for a whole month.


Water is the key to all life. Yet across the globe, a staggering 785 million people are going thirsty each and every day. For only £10 you can provide a family with a water for a whole month.


Every child deserves a quality education. It’s the key to a brighter future, offering the chance to learn critical skills, grow in self-confidence and escape the brutal cycle of poverty. £20 will provide school kit for a student.

Be part of this great cause for positive change.

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